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Please read these terms of service (“Terms of Service”), the privacy policy, and the code of conduct for training on the Qawim Training Platform before registering on the platform’s website or using Any part of the contents of the site (and by the word “site”, we mean all contents and pages that fall within the scope of the Qawaim Online E-Training Platform website), including access to any course materials, chat rooms, or other electronic services. These Terms, the Privacy Policy, and the Code of Honor are agreements (which may hereinafter be referred to, collectively, as “Agreements”) between you and the Qwaim Training Platform. You also accept and agree, through your use of the website, to be legally bound by the agreements, whether you are a registered user on the website or not.

Qawaim Training Platform reserves the right to amend these terms at any time without prior notice to you. Changes to these Terms will be effective immediately upon posting on this page or any other section of the Site. Your access to the site after making any changes constitutes your acceptance of the modified terms and all changes contained therein.

Be sure to check this page periodically to stay informed of the most current version of these Terms.

A glimpse of the Qawaim Training Platform
The Qawaim Training Platform offers a group of development training courses through live interactive broadcasting between lecturers and trainers through electronic training.” "Remotely" or in person in training halls.
Which is not permitted to be recorded, transmitted, or uploaded without official and documented permission from the administration.

Online Conduct Code
You agree that you are fully responsible for your use of the Qawim Training Platform website and the materials published through your username, which You must include all content submitted, posted or distributed to the Site by you or other users of the Site, including, without limitation, all posts within the Site, modifications to feedback, questions, comments, videos, and file uploads (“User Contributions”). . You also agree that your use of the site will be in compliance with agreements and all applicable local, regional and international laws, rules and regulations, including copyright laws, and any laws related to the transmission of technical data exported from your country of residence.

You undertake through this document, and as a condition for your use of the services provided by the Qaim Training Platform through its website, that you will not use the site in any way aimed at abusing, disrupting, obstructing, or exhausting the Qaim Training Platform server or network. (Networks) of the platform connected to any of its servers or interfering with any third party and enjoying the site. You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site and other accounts, computer systems, or networks connected to any Third Millennium server through hacking, password mining, or any other means. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information stored on the Site, or any of its servers or computers connected to it, through any means not intentionally made available through the Site.

The following list shows materials that are strictly prohibited from being circulated on the website:
- Content that violates the Islamic faith.
- Content that violates the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Content that defames, harasses, or threatens others- Content that discusses illegal activities
- Content that violates intellectual property to a third party, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, or content that is profane, pornographic, indecent, indecent, or Unauthorized advertising or any form of commercial propaganda
- Contents related to partisan political activities
Moreover, you agree not to attempt to collect information, download any content from the site, or upload any live broadcast content. When downloading or registering without prior permission, this will expose you to legal accountability
Users or their personal information. You also agree not to misrepresent or attempt to misrepresent your identity while using the site.
Any violation of the provisions of the prohibited list mentioned above entitles the Qaim e-Training platform to terminate your use and access. And/or your participation in the site without prior notice.

User accounts and permissions
To benefit from full participation in the activities and services provided by the platform on On its website, you must provide us with your name, ID number, personal mobile number, email address and user password in order to create a new user account (which is referred to as the “User Account”). You agree that you will never disclose or share your access to the Site or share your user account information with any third party for any reason. While creating your user account, you may be asked to enter additional, optional information (for example, your address). You declare that all information provided by you is accurate and current. You also agree to maintain and update your information to keep it accurate and current.
We care about the confidentiality and security of your personal information. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about what information we may collect about you and how we use that information. By entering the site, you agree to the collection and use of your information by the platform.

Your right to use the content on the site
All contents of the site have been protected by the relevant parties to protect copyrights unless stated as public property.

Your right to use the content on the site. /span>
All texts, tests, videos, images, and other educational materials available with the training courses offered on the Qawim Training Platform website are for your personal use related to those courses only. , unless expressly stated otherwise within the Site.
Use of certain reference documents, digital textbooks, articles and other information on the Site is subject to permission by third parties, The use of this information is subject to certain rules and conditions that will be published along with this information. You hereby undertake, and by your use of this site, to abide by all of these rules and conditions.
You also agree to maintain all copyright and other notices on it. relating to any content you obtain through the Site. All rights to this site and its content are reserved.

User Posts

User Posting Covenant and Warranties: Despite the list of materials that are strictly prohibited from being circulated on the Site as set forth above, relating to the submission or distribution of your User Postings, you You affirm, represent and warrant that (i) you have the necessary rights, licenses, consents and/or permissions to republish User Postings on the Site and to permit the third millennium licenses granted to you under these Terms, and (ii) that you will not infringe or violate the rights of any party Third, through your submission of your User Postings or your use of the licenses granted below. You alone, and not the Qawaim Electronic Media Training Platform, are responsible for your user postings and the consequences of sharing them with others or publishing them on the site.

Granting the Qawaim Platform License  For Training, by submitting or distributing your User Postings, you grant us   A worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, assignable, sub-licensable, fully paid, royalty-free, perpetual and non-refundable license to host, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, modify, distribute, redistribute, sublicense and otherwise use, provide and exploit your User Postings, In whole or in part, in any form and in any media format, and through any media channels (now known or that will be established hereafter).
Granting License to Users: You grant in accordance with what you submit or distribute from your user postings, All users of the Site (“User(s)”) have a non-exclusive license to access and use your User Postings in connection with their use of the Site and for their own personal purposes.

Disclaimer of Warranty / Limitation of Liabilities
The Site and any information, content or services available on or through the Site are provided “as is” and “as available.” Without warranty of any kind (express, implied or otherwise), including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, except for warranties similar to these which may not be disclaimed under applicable laws.

The Qawaim Training Platform and its participants (as they are defined below) do not guarantee that the site will operate uninterrupted or error-free, that the site is free of viruses or other harmful components, or that the courses or content provided will meet your needs or expectations. The platform or any of its participants does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, permanence, or quality of the site, courses, content, or continuity

Use of this Site, and the content and services obtained from or through the Site, is at your own risk. Your access to or downloading of any information, materials or data available through the Site or any of the reference sites is at your own risk and warranty, and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your property (including your computer system) or any loss of data resulting from From downloading or using these materials or data, unless otherwise stated in the training privacy policy.

Disclaimer regarding user postings: You should be aware that during your use of the site, you will be exposed to user postings from various sources, for which Qwaim Training Platform or any of its participants are not responsible for the accuracy or usefulness. and the reliability or intellectual property rights of or relating to such User Postings. You must also understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to user postings that are inaccurate, offensive, defamatory, indecent, or objectionable, and that you agree to waive, and hereby waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against the Qawim Platform  Training or any training participant in connection therewith. Neither Tadreeb nor any of the Qwaim Training Platform participants endorse any user postings or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed within the site. Neither the platform nor any of the platform participants is obligated to monitor any user postings or any communication with other members within the site.

However, Qawaim Training Platform reserves the right to review user posts and act in its absolute discretion to modify or remove, in whole or in part, any user posts at any time and for any purpose. For any reason, or to allow Qawaim Training Platform participants to do so at any time and for any reason. The matter is not limited to that, as the Qwaim platform may investigate allegations of a user’s publication that does not comply with the site’s terms for providing the service upon receiving a notice from a user or the owner of the content and determine, in its absolute discretion, whether it will modify or remove, in whole or in part, the user’s publications. That does not comply with its terms and conditions at any time you choose and without prior notice.

Links to other sites: The Site may include links to other sites that are maintained and operated by others. Neither Tadreeb nor any of the Qawaim Training Platform participants are responsible for scanning, approving, reviewing, or certifying the contents or use of any products or services that may be provided by these other sites. If you decide to access websites linked to third parties, you do so at your own risk.

You agree, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, that the Qawaim Training Platform or any of the Qawaim Training Platform participants are not responsible for any loss or damage, whether actual. or logically connected with, arising out of or relating to these Terms of Service, your (or any third party's) use of or inability to use the Site, the placements of content on the Site, or your reliance on information obtained from or through the Site, Whether your claim is based on contract, tort, statute, or otherwise.
In particular, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Qaim Platform will not Training or any of its participants shall be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, punitive, special, exemplary, or incidental damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseen. Whether the Qaim Training Platform or any of its participants has been negligent or negligent (including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, errors, loss of profits, loss of data, or interruption in the availability of data).

You agree to defend and hold harmless the Qaim Training Platform or the Qaim Training Platform participants, their respective subsidiaries, branches, employees, training staff members, students, colleagues, and responsible board members, agents, and employees of against any third party claims, actions or demands arising from, resulting from or in any way related to your use of the Site, including any liability or expense arising from any and all claims, losses, damages, suits, judgments, litigation costs (actual and consequential) and attorneys' fees, Of every kind and nature. The Qawim Training Platform or any of the platform participants will, in such case and at its absolute discretion, provide you with written or oral notice of a claim, suit or similar action.

Termination occurs; Or interruption of training and content: You must agree to allow the Qawim Training Platform to terminate your use of the site or your participation in it at its absolute discretion and for any or no reason based on prior notification to you. Prepare Dismissal of site users who repeatedly violate the copyright policy of the Qawim Training Platform, according to the circumstances it deems appropriate. The Qawaim Training Platform and the platform participants reserve the right to cancel, delay, or reschedule, change the structure of any training program provided through the platform, or stop providing any part or all of the contents of the site or related services at any time, according to its sole discretion, and you agree that the platform is not responsible. Qawaim Training or any of the participants of the Qawaim Training platform towards you for such work. You may terminate your subscription to the Site at any time if you no longer wish to do so. The rights granted to you under this Agreement will terminate upon termination of your right to use the Site, but the other provisions of these Terms of Service will continue in effect.

Entire Agreement: All of these terms, the code of honor, and the privacy policy constitute the entire agreement between you and the Qwaim Training Platform regarding your use of the site, and replace any previous agreements between you And between the Qaim training platform regarding your use of the site.

Waiver and Severability of Terms of Service: The failure of the Qawaim Training Platform to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms of Service does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If a provision of these Terms of Service is found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction and despite the agreement of the parties to the Terms of Service that the court must endeavor to give effect to the parties’ intentions as stated in the provision; The other provisions of these Terms will remain in full force and effect.

This Charter shall be effective as of its date

Privacy Policy
It is extremely important for us on the Qaim Training Platform to maintain the confidentiality and security of your personal information, and any information about you that you provide to us when using our site is indicated, such as Information you provide when registering for a user account or engaging in transactions through the Site which may include (but is not limited to) your name, contact information, gender, date of birth and occupation; Collectively referred to as “personal information”, any reference to “we” and “us” is considered a reference to the Qaim Training Platform.

- We will use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain the security of your personal information pursuant to this Privacy Policy.

- This privacy policy applies only to information we collect through the Qawaim Training Platform website

- All content and pages within the website and does not apply to information we may obtain from you in other ways.

Consent to the transfer of personal information
Under this document, you consent to the collection of your personal information by the Qawim Training Platform - as stated in this privacy policy - And its use, disclosure and retention, including but not limited to: transferring your personal information between the Qaim Training Platform and third parties and the subsidiaries and affiliates described in this privacy policy.
Any consent related to the right to transfer information referred to in this paragraph shall be deemed to include your consent to the transfer of applicable personal information to another jurisdiction, which may result in a different level of privacy protection than that applicable in your country.

Information we collect and how we use it
We collect information, including personal information, when you register for a user account, participate in training, and/or submit You may email us and/or participate in our public platforms. We also collect some usage information about student performance and learning styles. In addition to the above, we track information that shows records such as the pages you visit on our site, the times they are visited, the order in which they are visited, any hyperlinks, and other information. User interface tools you have used. 

We may record the Internet Protocol address, operating system and browser used by each user and, depending on the Internet Protocol address, we may be able to

– From identifying the user's Internet service provider and the geographical location of his connection point.

We use a variety of web analysis tools to collect this information, but some information is collected by cookies, and you should be able to control whether and how your browser accepts cookies. Most browsers provide instructions on how to reset the browser to reject cookies through the “Help” section in the toolbar. However, if you reject “cookies” from our site, many of the features and benefits that our site offers to you may not work. As it should be.

Use and disclosure to third parties
We and our training partners who provide courses through the Qawim Training Platform website may use your information that Collected from the Site, among other things (including your personal information). If we share or disclose your personal information to a third party, that third party is required to treat the personal information confidentially and to maintain sufficient security to protect the information from loss, misuse, unauthorized use, disclosure, modification, or destruction.

We will disclose and share personal information requested from third parties in order to fulfill the aforementioned request when collecting this information, such as:

- Enabling our partner government organizations to establish, manage and improve courses.
- Helping us It helps government institutions improve the quality of training, whether at the individual level (for example, the course staff when working with a student) or collectively. It also helps us evaluate the access and use of the site and the impact of training on the education community on a global scale.
- Track individual and group attendance, progress and completion of electronic courses, and analyze student performance statistics and the method used by him to learn.
- Publish Information, other than personal information, collected about the access, use, impact, and performance of trainees’ access to the Qawaim Training Platform website.
- Sending updates about the online courses offered by the Qawaim Platform For training or other events, and to send you notifications about Qwaim Training Platform products or services, its affiliates, or selected business partners that may interest you, or to send you emails about any matters related to site maintenance or updates.
< span style="font-weight: normal;">- For the purposes of scientific research, especially for example: the fields of cognitive science and education.
- Archiving this information And/or use it for future communications with you.
- Maintain and improve the functionality and security of the Site, our software, systems and network
- We may share information that we collect with educational institutions, and this information (including personal information) may be shared with others as follows:
Service providers or contractors that perform certain services on our behalf or on behalf of educational institutions, including processing information you provide to us on the Site, operating the Site or sections of it, providing or managing courses, or in connection with other aspects of the Qwaim Platform services. For training or partner institutions.
- For scientific research purposes (as mentioned previously), however, we will share your personal information only to the extent necessary to fulfill the stated purpose at the time. Collect this information.
- To provide you with opportunities to connect with other users who may have the same interests or educational goals as you. For example, we may recommend specific study partners or introduce you. Prospective students or mentors. In this case, we may use the information we collect about you to determine who may be interested in communicating with you, but we will only provide other users with your user name and will not disclose your real name or email address to them.
- We may host, for the purposes of integration with third-party services, some content that the Qawim Training Platform does not control, such as hosting videos from YouTube.
In addition to the above, we may share information that we have collected that does not personally identify you publicly and with third parties, including but not limited to: researchers and business partners.

Links to other websites
The site may contain links to third-party websites, such as other content providers and some service providers, but these other websites are not under our management, so you must understand and agree that we are not responsible for the collection and use of these websites. For your information unless otherwise indicated in this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you be careful when you are directed to a third-party site to review the privacy policies of each site that you visit and use.

Privacy Policy Changes
Please keep in mind We review this Privacy Policy periodically and may make some changes to it. When we make any changes, the Privacy Policy link will contain a “Recent Revision (with Date)” indication, which indicates that you must review the new provisions, which are considered effective immediately upon publishing the new policy on this page with the date. New entry. This reference will remain placed next to the Privacy Policy link for at least ten (10) days after the updates are made. Your access to the site after making any changes is considered your prior consent to the amended privacy policy and any changes therein. If you receive a notification of the amendments mentioned above, be sure to visit this page periodically to ensure you are aware of the latest version of the privacy policy.

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